A Davis- Keefe, Canadian- American Experience

Parallel Lives: Jack & Wanda, Wanda and Jack Keefe

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Below is sample of possible side bar

1.1 Why
1.2 How
1.3 Who

2 Sources
2.1 Previous
2.2 Class
2.3 Examples 2.4 WWW

3 Interviews
3.1 Tran- scripts
3.2 Audio Tape
3.3 Digital Video
3.4 Selected Excerpts
3.5 Comentary

4 Photos
4.1 J& W
4.2 Family
4.3 Friends
4.4 Places
4.5 Maps

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   Ref: MAT2_C04

 used as sources for Oral Hist Project:

Jack and Wanda; Wanda and Jack: Parallel Lives

C. 04     List of Video Tapes and Digital Files pf Interviews

References are provided to the complete transcript, which are available in Section C.1

Quicktime viewer =  http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/

Part Item Numb

Elec. Doc Number for transcript

Short Title

Description note

Master elec. directory


 Interviews before 14 Aug 2001 were only recorded on analogue Cassette audio tapes

List of  Interview - Video tapes

and Digital Video Files  
        Quicktime viewer =  http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/


transcript = Jw00ag14.rtf

Jack & Wanda Oral History Interview:  Aug. 14th 2000,& begin Sept 04, 2000

Marriage 1944, Not Back To Alaska ;  Barracks Life for 3 Years: Trinidad, and British Guyana, Brazil, Yukon ; First Grandchild for Keefes,  Neighbors: Commuting – work life; Standard Car Shift and Jacks adjustment for  Leg;. Grandfather Cabinet Maker & Great Aunt Athabaska Trail Driver; first Granddaughter; Wanda's One Room Schoolhouse  work: threshing crew, Hospital to Pay Family bill .  Trans-Canadian Highway and at Look Magazine

JW00ag14_01QT100L.Mov = first 7  minutes Voice 100bps video low motion = 9mb

JW00ag14_02QT100L.Mov = part 2  = 7  minutes  = 9mb

JW00ag14_03QT100L.Mov = part 3


transcript = Jw00se04.doc

Oral History Interview: Continued Sept 04, 2000 Parallel Lives : Jack and Wanda, Wanda and Jack;  ; [Subtitled: A Davis-Keefe, Canadian-American Experience

One room schoolhouse to city /school,. High School & Basketball, Selling family furniture to survive; People moving around, taking odd jobs, Jack in Whitehorse; Accommodations men & women;  Plan children?; Jack’s chilly fall;. Soldiers in Yukon: American, Canadian, Russian . Working  cold Yukon;  foreigners entering USA;  1944  war result not certain;  Friends lost in World War 2, Canadian Forces in Battles; Atrocities on both sides; farm tools 2 Centuries

 [video test with  voice 100bps &  low video motion] = 9mb

[video test with  voice 40bps &  low video motion] = 4mb

 [Video file with low 20bps voice  & low video motion JW00se04_01QT20L.mov  quicktime] = 2mb

JW00se04_02QT100L.Mov = part 2  = 7  minutes  = 9mb

JW00se04_03QT100L.Mov = part 3




Transcript = Jw00se30.rft

Oral History Interview: Sept 30, 2000; Parallel Lives : Jack and Wanda, Wanda and Jack;  [Subtitled: A Davis-Keefe, Canadian-American Experience]

Frank and Tom Keefe Get well; weatherman & 3 day Novena;  Frank potential court-marshal; JJK Diaries – 1941 - 20??; local guys going to war ;  chased by Subs and Rumors in Trinidad;;  Troop ship reaction to beans, coffee & lecture on patriotism; narrow gage railroad;  Dressmaking & Business ;  Sewing Club, Circle; Small Businesses  for women & war changed things; GI Bill, Consumer Goods, College and Mortgage Loans; Possible Subjects for future interviews

JW00se30_01QT100L.Mov = first 7  minutes Voice 100bps video low motion = 9mb

JW00se30_02QT100L.Mov = part 2  = 7  minutes  = 9mb

JW00se30_03QT100L.Mov = part 3