Questions for
Jack Keefe: follow up interview
1. AK: You have read considerably about the Civil
War and Abraham Lincoln.
What is it that most concerned or impressed you about that
Specifically about the common families involved?
The leadership and questions?
2. You have lived
through World War Two and the period after and shared a number of stories
illustrative of your family and friends life and times
during that period.
You also made repeated attempts to volunteer for active duty and
shared your letters etc.
Would you care to compare any experience at that time to
what you might imagine a young man in
3. You were fairly
active politically after the WWII, having worked on Adlai Stevenson's Campaign
in 1952, Gov. Nelson Rockefeller's Presidential attempt in 1964 and later in
Senator Javits Campaign in 1968.
Would you like to discuss some of the thinking that led up
to a decision to pursue the War in
You had two sons who served in the Armed forces, and one who
served in
You had one son who did not choose to serve in the armed
forces in part because of the Vietnam Conflict. What was that experience like
for you?
Did you have mixed feelings concerning his student
"activist" activities during that time?
The Sports Illustrative Article of
4. In many of your
Stories, you seem to find and remember the humorous side. Do you want to discus why?
What have you noticed about people's response to stories?
What is your view of history and how does it intersect with
people stories?
Is there anything you would like to say to those who might
be listening to all or a part of these tapes in the years ahead?
5. Do you have any
reservations about how these tapes or transcripts from them might be used in
the years ahead?